I woke today because I had to. While the rest of the world was able to sleep in, I had to go to work. In my profession, there is always something to do. I have spent the first few hours in a daze. I think my brain knows it’s a holiday and it has essentially asked my body to take the brunt of today’s labor. The other night, I went out to the local bar. My mother, of all people, encouraged me to go. I consumed a mere three beers simply because I didn’t have the cash. FYI bars in Iowa still haven’t discovered that credit cards are a form of money.
In the bar, I was glued to the TV. The Nuggets were playing a pivotal game 3 against the Los Angeles Lakers and I think I scared people away because of my incessant screaming at the lowly Nug-puppies. I have been a fan of the Nuggets as long as I can remember. This has been a difficult life for a Nugget fan. The last time they were this far into the playoffs, I was 6 months old. I still remember the upset of the (defunct) Seattle Supersonics in 7 games back in the early 90’s. Dikembe Mutumbo and Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf were names I couldn’t read but worshipped. Likewise, I remember attending 12 games in 1997. That year, the Nuggets became the worst team in NBA history. 9 wins and I saw none of them. The funny thing was, people went to the games to see the debacle of the Nuggets. They had plenty of pokes and puns at their expense that year. They may have been the No-guts but they were my No-guts.
Anywho, after the ensuing loss to LA, I wasn’t in a great mood and the bar is a bad place to be when in a bad mood. My coworkers were there and, as usual, hitting on every double-bagger in the place. That is fine... for them. I refuse to hit on girls in Iowa. An attractive female in Iowa has a false sense of confidence. They seem to think they are something amazing but if they go on vacation to places like Las Vegas or Miami, they would be referred to as the ugly friend. I am not going to hit on a girl who thinks she is the cat’s meow when she is just the best available option in Iowa.
I stayed for the rest of the night because I could tell I would have to be a DD for my coworkers. I don’t mind. It is better than the alternative. By alternative, I mean having to hear that we need to hire another new coach because our last one got a DUI. We make a quick stop by the Kum N Go. For those of you who are not familiar with what that is, it is a gas station, I kid you not. The other coaches, possibly inebriated, probably just desperate, proceed to hit on the thick girl working at the gas station. I mean, seriously, will I be reduced to that if I stay here to long? I pray not.
After dropping off the last of the coaches, I fell into bed and couldn’t sleep. Nothing that normally makes me tired was working. Hot shower, read a little, attempt to clear my head. I couldn’t. You hear about coaches who work for hours and hours and pull all-nighters working on god knows what. I understand why. I was thinking about everything that had to do with work. Not my menial day to day responsibilities but about next season, the season after that and 20 seasons from now. It was said that “Dreamers, typically, are not doers.” Well, I like to think that isn’t true. I am constantly getting ahead of myself, my plans, my goals. The problem is, it was these dreams that are effecting my sleep dreams. I finally fell asleep about 5 am. This seriously threw off my sleep pattern and could be another excuse as to why my brain has essentially called in sick.