I have followed the Tiger Woods saga with baited breathe and cannot get enough of the juicy details. Part of this is my desire to see the infallible, perfect, God of Golf get his empire crumbled to nothing. The other reason why I am following the story is because I am a red-blooded, American male who feels like Tiger Woods is an idiot. I am going to say what every husband, boyfriend and coworker is too afraid to say about the Tiger Woods scandal... Tiger made a mistake... He got married.
Tiger Woods is pulling in $100 million a year. He owns nearly a dozen homes and a yacht. That’s right, a yacht. Tiger Woods is recession proof! He is at the top of his game and his popularity is untouchable. He is marketing gold. He spouts profanity like an 18th Century sailor in front of millions of people every Sunday when he catches one a little too fat or has a slice into a bunker and is still the most beloved athlete in America. Why then, would Tiger ruin all of this by getting married?
He has dozens of 18 year old bikini models and heiresses waiting for him at every clubhouse. If he is going to have sex with these girls, which obviously he did anyway, why would he get married? If Tiger were to have sex with all of these women and never have gotten married, the Mickey Mantle Syndrome would have set in. The media would love him. He would have been the best player and the Playboy of the PGA. He would be held to a standard that could never be matched by another man. Men would want to be Tiger even more than they already did before the scandal hit. Women would want to be near him because of his money, power, and influence.

Some people may be offended by my view on the scandal but there is truth in these statements. My next point of why he made a mistake on getting married is this: He would not have to fear the countless women running to the tabloids. Ok, so some of them kept the secret for a while but he had to figure that it would come out eventually. If he were a bachelor, he would not have had to pay off all of these women to attempt to keep them quiet. If he were a bachelor, the National Enquirer would have posted it on page 6 instead of page 1. If he were a bachelor, he would have even more sponsors than he already has. Every advertisement in Maxim Magazine would be of Tiger, in a duster surrounded by countless models and hocking any number of products. The Axe company comes to mind.

Why then did Tiger marry this Swedish nanny? I think he fell into a common trap that so many young men fall into. He is successful in his career, he has financial stability, and he feels as though the next step has to be marriage and kids. This is a real and prevalent problem because he was not ready. He had too much to lose from this and not enough sense to realize that he would be setting up the empire to crumble. Now don’t get me wrong, I am not against the institution of marriage. Someday, this crass cynic will walk down the aisle (probably several times). The issue that exists for Tiger, which I will never have an issue with, is that I will never have thousands of groupies and temptation anywhere. When this gargoyle finally gets married, it will be because I truly love the individual I am marrying and that I feel like I could never do any better. Tiger clearly felt he could do better, and did about a dozen times.